North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Navigating Geopolitical Dynamics in Eastern Europe, 1955
Director: Neeraja Kumar
This committee will be run as a double delegation committee.
Topic Summary
Welcome to 1955, as Cold War tensions threaten to entrap the world in issues of foreign intervention, war, and more. In one way, Eastern Europe's complex political dynamics result from the aftermath of the Second World War, the ongoing Cold War, and internal political dynamics within states themselves. This has driven the question of whether states like Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia can fight for their sovereignty under the influence of the Soviet Union and other forces. This is combined with the abundance of political allies and groups being formed across the region and globe for state action and regulation.
In this web of political confusion and conflict, it is up to you to navigate the positions that best suit your country's needs in the underlying Cold War. Who will be your allies, and how involved should one be in another nation’s conflicts?
Director’s Letter
Dear Delegates,
I am honored to welcome you to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1955 of Harvard National Model United Nations 2025. I hope the HNMUN conference provides an environment of involved debate, interesting discussions, and a community that allows you to grow and thrive both as a delegate and as a person. As a director, I hope you will have this experience at HNMUN by the end of the conference.
This idea of growth stems from my upbringing. I have lived in a small suburb around Chicago all my life (around 25 minutes from Windy City). Growing up in a smaller suburb of Chicago, I quickly learned the importance of community and collaboration in growth. As a proud Midwesterner, my world has been smaller than expected, but I have been lucky enough to experience different parts of the world through travel. The last place I visited was Chennai, India, this past winter, and I plan to continue exploring South India.
Your MUN experience can only continue from where it begins. For me, it began with watching my brother travel nationally and internationally for MUN during his high school and college years. That inspired me to pursue MUN in the future. My sophomore year of college will be my sixth year, helping with MUN in some capacity, competing in high school, and helping with HMUN/HNMUN in college. Outside of MUN, I also participate as a director for the Harvard Votes Challenge and am a campus member of the Harvard International Review and College Events Board. I also enjoy exploring the greater Boston area and visiting comic book shops in my free time.
As we get closer to the conference, I am positive that questions and concerns will arise and highly encourage you to email me. This can be both to introduce yourselves and also ask any necessary questions. I look forward to seeing all of you at HNMUN 2025!
Neeraja Kumar
Director, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1955