Futuristic General Assembly on Digital Security

Security in a Digital Age

What will the world be like if printed cash is no longer needed around the world? Facing the constantly evolving demands of the modern consumer and increasing disruption from rapidly emerging financial technologies, traditional banks are under more pressure than ever to adapt and innovate, and users of banking services are facing under-discussed scenarios of personal rights violation, theft, and on a larger scale, monopolistic activities. These developments justify the urgent need for a digital transformation in banking practices and standards, including updated regulations that should be implemented on a global scale. 

Within this session of the Futuristic General Assembly, we will be looking forward into a world where services surrounding digital currency have become commonplace. Using information and research available at the current date, we will explore the functions, applications, and effects of the newest currencies and banking technologies, the existing regulations regarding fintech and digital currencies, and to recognize and explore the regional differences in different entities’ protection of personal rights and healthy competition in the digital space.

Director's Letter:

Dear Delegates,


Welcome to the Futuristic General Assembly of Harvard National Model United Nations 2022! My name is Nancy Hu, and I will be the Director for this year’s FGA, addressing the challenges facing digital currencies and banking. I am excited to explore this topic with you all and believe this will be a thoroughly enriching experience for everyone involved. I hope that within this committee, you will gain deeper insight into the newest currency and banking technology, the existing regulations regarding fintech and digital currencies, develop your skills for debate, and create some new friendships with your fellow delegates. I look forward to seeing what you bring to the conference come February!

A little bit about me, I am from Xiamen, China, and I concentrate in Statistics and Economics. I am passionate about new financial tools and services using models and theories from computer science, math, and statistics, their application, and especially the risks they can bring to our lives. Thus, the topic of this committee has strong connections to my own research and academic interest, and I wish that you will enjoy this topic as well.

Model UN has always been an important part of my life, and I have been part of the International Relations Council at Harvard ever since freshman year. I enjoy the diverse range of dedicated, passionate, and knowledgeable individuals that the MUN community is home to, and I love being able to create and facilitate powerful and insightful conversations. I started attending regional high school and university level model UN conferences in English and Chinese since 7th grade, and have participated and directed in most of the General Assembly committees familiar to MUN conferences today. Previously, I have been more involved with HNMUN’s counterpart HMUN, and only served as an Assistant Director at HNMUN 2021 within ECOSOC, but it was an experience that inspired me to return to directing at HNMUN this year. 

Within the greater Harvard community, I am also a senior staff at HMUN, HMUN China, and the IRC, as well as Harvard College China Forum. I am also quite passionate about arts and sing with the Harvard Radcliffe Chorus Society (the Soprano-Alto counterpart of Harvard Glee Club) and two acappella groups. I compose instrumental and vocal pieces for quartets, soloists and choirs, and do some mixing and producing. I also enjoy sketch, watercolor, and oil painting, which has been taking up more of my time than ever thanks to the pandemic. 

HNMUN is one of the most fascinating college MUN conferences, perhaps in the world, and I hope to learn from, and get to know you, the delegation, during our time in FGA. During this committee, I hope that you all can embrace the challenge of diplomacy within the General Assembly, to collaborate with each other to solve the imminent problems “of the future” efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, I ask you to be respectful of the people you'll be discussing amongst and the issues they propose. As committee director, I hope to cultivate an atmosphere in the committee room that fosters stimulating dialogue, fruitful teamwork, and most importantly, enjoyment.

I look forward to meeting all of you and am excited to see how you bring the FGA committee to life. If you have any questions, concerns, or simply want to introduce yourself, feel free to reach out.


Nancy Hu

Director of the Futuristic General Assembly

Harvard National Model United Nations 2022


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