Prussian Landtag 1849
German unification
It is August 1849. The March revolution that has rocked Prussian society is drawing to a close, with the last remnants of the Frankfurt Assembly being dissolved in June. Prussia has just adopted a new constitution, heralding a new era of politics in the Kingdom. Tensions with Austria are as high as ever. Calls for German unification are only growing. And amidst all this, the ideologies and practices that have long dominated Prussia are clashing with newly minted It is an era of crossroads for the kingdom, one in which every decision can have massive consequences for the future of the German people.
Director's Letter
Dear Delegates,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Prussian Landtag of 1849 at Harvard National Model United Nations 2022.
My name is Arpit Bhate, and I am excited to serve as your director for this year’s conference. I am a sophomore at Harvard College concentrating in Applied Mathematics with a focus in Economics. While I was born in New York, I have spent most of my life in Bangalore, India, and I think it’s this international upbringing that first drew my attention to International Relations and Model UN. I have been involved in this activity since my freshman year of high school. And ever since I first put on a suit and walked into committee, it has inspired and molded me. Model UN uncovered a formerly unknown passion for politics and has shaped my interest ever since. My love for MUN led me to join the Harvard Intercollegiate Model UN team (ICMUN) during my first semester in college, staff both Boston Conferences, and serve as a Director for HMUN India, one of our international conferences for high school students.
This year, our committee will focus on one of the most important moments in German, European, and World history. You will find yourself in a Germany that has just been battered by the fires of revolution - one where the political structure is in flux, and where any action that you delegates take has the potential to reverberate across the entirety of a continent. Prussia is currently at a crossroads between absolute and constitutional monarchy, between liberal and conservative ideologies, and between differing levels of influence and power amongst the German states. As the leaders of the Prussian Landtag, you will have the ability to shape Prussian policy and bring about the rise (or fall) of one of the most powerful kingdoms of the modern world.
I am looking forward to seeing where you all take the kingdom of Prussia at this pivotal moment of German and World history.
Arpit Bhate,
Director - Prussian Landtag
Harvard National Model United Nations 2022
Crisis Director's Letter
Dear Delegates,
Welcome to Harvard National Model United Nations 2022! My name is Florian Bochert and I will be serving as the Crisis Director of the Prussian Landtag, 1848. I am a junior at Harvard concentrating in Government with a secondary in European History, Politics and Societies. I am originally from Bielefeld, Germany, where I have grown up and have spent most of my life until coming to Harvard. At Harvard, I have served as a Deputy Director for Harvard’s competitive Model UN Team, have directed a committee at Harvard National Model UN last year, and have been conducting research relating to democratic backsliding across Europe. In my free time, I very much enjoy long-distance running.
This year’s committee on the Prussian Landtag will task delegates with the responsibility of responding to one of the most critical junctures in European history. 1848 is a time of widespread democratic revolutions across Europe, of industrialization changing people’s lives forever, of demands for German unification, and of so much more. This politically tense, yet highly consequential time will surely yield interesting and detailed debate, as well as intriguing and historically accurate crisis arcs, from all of you. Being a member of the Prussian Landtag at this critical time will challenge your diplomatic, collaborative, and analytical skills. The decisions you make in this committee will not only determine Prussia’s future but will also shape Europe’s political order for the centuries to come.
As a Crisis Director, I am eager to see creative, substantive, and well thought-out crisis arcs that try to advance the flow of committee. In particular, I value crisis notes and arcs that incorporate other members of this committee, thereby demonstrating an aptitude for truly cooperative behavior.
I also want to emphasize that the Prussian Landtag, 1848, will be a welcoming committee equally enjoyable to all delegates, regardless of their background or identity. Additionally – as someone who had never even heard of Model UN before coming to college – I hope to create a supportive environment for delegates with all levels of experience in Model UN. So please do reach out with questions whenever they come up!
My hope for the conference is that you will leave with a greater understanding not only of the time period surrounding the crucial year 1848 but also of the immense ramifications this year had on subsequent centuries – and even on our political systems today. Again, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have. I am very much looking forward to seeing you at HNMUN 2022!
Florian Bochert
Crisis Director, XXXX
Harvard National Model United Nations 2022