North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO’s Relations with Russia & MENA

NATO and the military presence of its member states are coming out of two decades of significant expansion. The alliance’s relations with Russia and the MENA region (Middle East & North Africa) have continued to shift dramatically. Despite challenges from Navalny, Putin and his regime remain firmly in power within Russia. Within MENA a variety of events have occurred including the significant withdrawal of the American and NATO forces from Afghanistan, as well as internal shifts within Iran and Turkey.

This committee will serve as an opportunity for delegates to delve into these complex subjects with their peers and craft creative paths forward. It is the chance to contemplate the changing global order and not only the changing role that alliances like NATO play within this, but also the broader North American and European region.

Director’s Letter:

Dear Delegates,

Welcome to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization! My name is Joseph Wornom and I will be serving as your director for the 2022 conference of the Harvard National Model United Nations.

I am a junior at Harvard College studying economics. At Harvard, I also serve as an Under-Secretary-General at Harvard Model United Nations, Editor-in-Chief at the Harvard International Review, and on the Board of Directors of the Harvard International Relations Council. Beyond that I enjoy going to the beach, spending time with friends, and reading history as well as current events.

I was first introduced to Model UN at the beginning of my high school experience, ultimately leading my high school team. After four years attending conferences throughout Virginia I decided to continue with MUN in college, specifically in organizing the logistics of HMUN.

I grew up in Virginia Beach, just 15 minutes from NATO’s North American headquarters. From the countless friends and family who work there, to mentorship programs that allowed me to spend significant time there, NATO has always been near and dear to my heart.

With our committee covering NATO, we will be discussing issues of importance in preserving the peace and wellbeing of the populations of the 30 member countries. Understanding the changing relations of this alliance with neighboring regions is crucial to the establishment of a fruitful and stabilizing global discourse. Model UN is an exciting opportunity to meet new people and fully immerse yourself in international relations. As you grow through your experience, I hope the topics of discussion will contribute meaningfully to your experience and leave you better equipped for future endeavors.

I am looking forward to meeting everyone in person during the conference. If you have any questions, you can reach me at the email address below.


Joseph Wornom
Director, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Harvard National Model United Nations