Why Sponsor Us?

Harvard National Model United Nations is the largest, oldest, and most prestigious conference of its kind. Bringing together over 2000 delegates from around the world each year, HNMUN is a hub of international education, individual growth, and strong networks of highly qualified and passionate future world leaders. By partnering with HNMUN, you are helping to grow our conference and promote our sixty-seven year legacy to new delegates by fostering greater accessibility through our unique financial aid initiative and increasing the quality and quantity of opportunities for delegates at conference.

HNMUN offers a variety of ways to get involved with our conference, ranging from print and online advertisements to participation at our Career and Opportunities Fair, where representatives from your program get to interact face to face with our delegates and staff. Many of our delegates have found their passions, summer plans, or even future careers as a result of our partners’ generous involvement at HNMUN, so if your program is looking for a way to get involved, please do reach out! Our dedicated Business Staff would be happy to assist you in crafting the ideal partnership for your company. Read our informational packet or contact sponsorships@hnmun.org to find out more.