Historical General Assembly, 1991


The year is 1991. This committee will address two very important for the international community. The first topic is the Decolonization of Western Sahara and the First Gulf War Refugee Crisis.

Although the Historical General Assembly’s topics are quite different from each other, they are both very pressing issues in the year of 1991 and will require the committee’s utmost attention.

Director's Letter:

Dear delegates, 


Dear Delegates,

Welcome to the Harvard National Model United Nations 2022! My name is Davi Girão and I will be serving as your director for the Historical General Assembly, 1991. I am currently a sophomore at Harvard College, probably concentrating in government with a secondary in economics. I am also pursuing a language citation in French.

Since I was a freshman in High School, I had the opportunity to participate in many Model United Nations conferences as a delegate, which not only allowed me to perceive the world around me with many di# erent perspectives, but also introduced me to a vibrant and welcoming community that provided me with great friendships and many fond memories. It was those positive experiences that motivated me to continue with Model UN at Harvard, where I had the opportunity to be an Assistant Director for the OAS in HMUN 2020, and Director at HMUN 2021 and at HMUN Dubai 2022. Moreover, I currently serve as the Comptroller in the Secretariat at HMUN 2022. Outside of Model UN, I love to go riding, to plan my future travel adventures, to spend time with my friends, and to watch movies and TV shows.

I can assure you that HNMUN will be an unparalleled experience, as you will develop skills such as problem solving, negotiating, public speaking, and collaboration. Our conference is a great opportunity to embrace a different way of looking at the world, it is an opportunity to broaden your knowledge and to use that knowledge to promote positive change.

I encourage you to engage in the debate, to foster the international relations community, and to learn as much as you can from this experience. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns, it will be a pleasure to help. I wish you the best of luck as you prepare for HNMUN 2022!


Davi Girão

Director of the Historical General Assembly

Harvard National Model United Nations 2022


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